Most of my working life here in Northeast Kansas the last 30 years has been in the sales and construction of buildings, many of them for farmers. I grew up helping grandpa farm with A and B Johnnypoppers. Quite honestly, I relate best to folks involved in producing food and fiber, and those in the construction and building trades.
Getting to my point, God has blessed our nation with a growing season this year nothing less than awesome. Driving country roads between corn fields has felt like going down a tunnel; soybeans are waist high and taller and covered with bursting pods; four or five cuttings of alfalfa and second cuttings of brome; pastures that won't quit growing! (and we're talking dry-land farming back here!) It's not just Jefferson Co., Ks., either; predictions are for the largest U.S.soybean harvest ever, and the second largest corn crop.
My challenge to you "Farming Friends" is this - to give an acre of production to our Lord through the Run For Missions. One acre of corn or beans from your best ground; two tons of good irrigated alfalfa hay; beef producers, a feeder steer just coming off summer pasture.
Jesus knows ag, and used many examples and illustrations from farming to reach people. Let's get behind the laborers called to full-time service on the foreign mission field; let's help them focus on preparing for ministry without being saddled with so much debt.
My young friend and I will soon be running (and walking?) across some magnificent farmland in Kingman, Pratt and Kiowa counties. Knowing you are teamed with us at 2am under the cold stars will truly be sweet.
God bless you richly, be safe and careful during the long days of harvest, and hopefully we'll see you along the way or in Haviland on Tuesday morning, October 27th.
-Allen Smelser 10-16-09
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